Ice Melting Installations for Festivals, Events and Theater
Carter’s ongoing series of installations of melting ice are engaging, interactive, and a living aesthetic. The ice carves itself as it melts into metal of various shapes and as people interact with it.
Carter’s ongoing series of installations of melting ice are engaging, interactive, and a living aesthetic. The ice carves itself as it melts into metal of various shapes and as people interact with it.
And yes, it can be a reminder of the ongoing melting of glaciers in the face of global climate change, or simply an intrigue, like a candle or a campfire.
For events, festivals and theater.
Installations work at all scales from large 300 lbs. blocks that take a couple of days to melt, to smaller blocks on free standing stands, to tabletops as center pieces for table rounds or cocktail rounds. When lit, they also can provide accent lighting to a space.
For more information on commissioning an installation, please contact us.

2018-04-06 Earth Action Initiative
Recent Installations
Raise the Curtain! An Evening of Dazzling Theatre, June 2018
Earth Action Initiative — Climate Art Exhibition, April 2018
Create-With-Nature, Stinson Beach Earthday Celebration 2015
Art in Nature, 2014
MountainFilm in Telluride, 2014
San Francisco Green Film Festival, 2013
Bioneers Conference, 2012
Art in Nature, 2012
New Living Expo, May 2010
San Francisco Green Festival, April 2010
China US Climate Change Forum, May 2006
Raise the Curtain! An Evening of Dazzling Theatre, June 2018
Earth Action Initiative — Climate Art Exhibition, April 2018
Create-With-Nature, Stinson Beach Earthday Celebration 2015
Art in Nature, 2014
MountainFilm in Telluride, 2014
San Francisco Green Film Festival, 2013
Bioneers Conference, 2012
Art in Nature, 2012
New Living Expo, May 2010
San Francisco Green Festival, April 2010
China US Climate Change Forum, May 2006